
Aimer at JFN 「ONCE」 : STAR ★ ONCE (2012.3.9)


on 9th march, Aimer attended in a radio broadcast at JFN [Japan FM Network] : STAR ★ ONCE. In this program, Aimer was mentioning her new song that used to be a theme song of the upcoming dorama. in one of segment, Aimer answered 10 personal questions about herself. two songs from her latest single, Yuki no Furu Machi and Fuyu no Diamond also aired in this program.

★ ★ ★ 10 questions for Aimer ★ ★ ★
1. What's your dinner last night ? ⇒ Mizu Gyoza
2. What's your childhood dream ?   ⇒ Singer
3. Your first encounter with music ? ⇒ father's band
4. What do you like about yourself ? ⇒ voice
5. Most want to change ? ⇒ night owl habits
6. The most difficult to cope ? ⇒ morning
7. want to try later ? ⇒ Reverse up
8. Recently fell in love with ? ⇒ the Supittsu album 「oruta na」
9. Now, place that you want to go  ?  ⇒ Yakushima Island
10. what you want to do, now ? ⇒ visiting the Museum 

Source : STAR ★ ONCE

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