
[Anime] No. 6 (2011)


Titles Japanese: NO.6 ナンバー・シックス
Type TV
Episodes 11
Aired July 08, 2011
Genres Sci-fi
Duration 23 min. per episode
MyAnimeList http://myanimelist.net/anime/10161/No.6
ANN http://www.animenewsnetwork.com/encyclopedia/anime.php?id=12399
Opening Theme "Spell" by Lama
Ending Theme "Rokutō Sei no Yoru" (六等星の夜) by Aimer

The story takes place in the ideal city "NO.6" in 2013. Shion was judged as having "highest-ranked intelligence" when he was two years old and was allowed to live in the luxurious area "Cronos".
On his twelfth birthday, he met a beautiful boy called "Nezumi," who had escaped from a reformatory. Shion protected him, but the Public Security Bureau deprived Shion of all his privileges and expelled him from Cronos to "Lost Town".
Four years after the banishment, a mysterious accident leads Shion to the secret of the city NO.6.

 Type: x264 MKV 480p
Audio: Japanese
Subs: English
Size: ~50MB
Fansub: Doki

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